Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Sicherheitstechnik

Frau M.Sc. Alicia Auer geb. Puls

Frau M.Sc. Alicia Auer geb. Puls

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


Ansprechpartnerin für Methoden der Mess- und Prüfdatenanalytik




Pietruschka, Jannis; Puls, Alicia; Bracke, Stefan
Alternative approach to modelling complex failure behaviours of technical products: Comparative Study Sb Johnson versus Weibull.
In Kołowrocki, Krzysztof and Dąbrowska, Ewa, Editor, Proceedings of the 34th European Safety and Reliability Conference, Seite 135—144
In Kołowrocki, Krzysztof and Dąbrowska, Ewa, Editor

ISBN: 978-83-68136-15-9



Bracke, Stefan; Puls, Alicia
Identification of Risky Parts in a Product Fleet in the Usage Phase Based on Cluster Analysis — Case Study Light Electric Vehicle in the Urban Environment
In Brito, Mário P. and Aven, Terje and Baraldi, Piero and \vCepin, Marko and Zio, Enrico, Editor, Proceedings of the 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference, Seite 3520—3527
In Brito, Mário P. and Aven, Terje and Baraldi, Piero and \vCepin, Marko and Zio, Enrico, Editor
Herausgeber: Research Publishing Services, Singapore


Puls, Alicia; Bracke, Stefan
Comparative Study on Multivariate Trend Analysis by the Example of Traction Batteries in the Usage Phase
In Leva, Maria Chiara and Patelli, Edoardo and Podofillini, Luca and Wilson, Simon, Editor, Book of Extended Abstracts for the 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference, Seite 862—869
In Leva, Maria Chiara and Patelli, Edoardo and Podofillini, Luca and Wilson, Simon, Editor
Herausgeber: Research Publishing Services, Singapore


Bracke, Stefan; Puls, Alicia
COVID-19 pandemic: Analyzing spreading behavior of different infection waves within the first two years in Germany by the use of reliability methods
In PSAM, Editor, 16th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference
In PSAM, Editor

ISBN: 9781713863755


Puls, Alicia; Bracke, Stefan
COVID-19-Pandemie: Transfer von Methoden der Technischen Zuverlässigkeit zur Analyse von Ausbreitungsverhalten und Eindämmungsmaßnahmen
In Woll, Ralf and Goldmann, Christine, Editor, Trends und Entwicklungstendenzen im Qualitätsmanagement
Seite 95—114
Herausgeber: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden


Puls, Alicia; Bracke, Stefan
COVID-19 pandemic risk analytics: Data mining with reliability engineering methods for analyzing spreading behavior and comparison with infectious diseases
In van Gulijk, Coen and Zaitseva, Elena, Editor, Reliability Engineering and Computational Intelligence
Seite 293—307
Herausgeber: Springer, Cham


Bracke, Stefan; Puls, Alicia; Inoue, Masato
COVID-19 Pandemic: Analyzing of Spreading Behavior, the Impact of Restrictions and Prevention Measures in Germany and Japan
In Castanier, Bruno and \vCepin, Marko and Bigaud, David and Bérenguer, Christophe, Editor, Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference, Seite 969—976
In Castanier, Bruno and \vCepin, Marko and Bigaud, David and Bérenguer, Christophe, Editor
Herausgeber: Research Publishing (S), Singapore


Bracke, Stefan; Puls, Alicia
Die COVID-19-Ausbreitung ist nicht grippal! Analyse des Infektionsgeschehens mit Methoden der Zuverlässigkeitstechnik.
Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit (QZ), 66 (4)
ISSN: 0720-1214


Puls, Alicia; Bracke, Stefan
Reliability Methods for Analyzing Covid-19 Pandemic Spreading Behavior, Lockdown Impact and Infectiousness
In Castanier, Bruno and \vCepin, Marko and Bigaud, David and Bérenguer, Christophe, Editor, Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference, Seite 961—968
In Castanier, Bruno and \vCepin, Marko and Bigaud, David and Bérenguer, Christophe, Editor
Herausgeber: Research Publishing (S), Singapore


Bracke, Stefan; Puls, Alicia; Grams, Lars
COVID-19 Pandemic Data Analytics: Data Heterogeneity, Spreading Behavior, and Lockdown Impact
In Baraldi, Pietro and Di Maio, Francescpo and Zio, Enrico, Editor, E-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, Seite 422—429
In Baraldi, Pietro and Di Maio, Francescpo and Zio, Enrico, Editor


Bracke, Stefan; Puls, Alicia
Weibull Distribution Model: Empirical Study with Regard to the Scatter Behaviour of Threshold Parameter - Impact on Risk Analytics
In Baraldi, Pietro and Di Maio, Francescpo and Zio, Enrico, Editor, E-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, Seite 4818—4825
In Baraldi, Pietro and Di Maio, Francescpo and Zio, Enrico, Editor